Podcasting, after many of the UK newspapers pulled out of it, is going through a resurgence, here are some suggestions of additions to your listening list if you’re feeling a bit lost without Serial.
(I’ve still not listened to Serial, please don’t hate me).
NPR’s Invisibilia is from the same stable as RadioLab, but isn’t quite as heavily produced. Delving into the mind the first few episodes have been really enjoyable.
Alex Blumberg’s (formerly of This American Life and Planet Money) meta-podcast Startup about the launch of his podcasting empire (the one about the mistake is great listening to everyone who’s ever made one in business) has already stolen the hosts of internet show TL;DR to given us Reply All. Basically the same format, quirky stories about people and the internet.
Meanwhile back at WNYC TL;DR has a new host, and is still worth a listen.
Finally, Helen Zaltzman from Answer Me This now hosts a show about words, The Allusionist. It’s much shorter than AMT, and the first episode describing her suffering at her family’s puns will be all to real to anyone who listens to The Bugle.
You’ll be literally drowning Mail Chimp mentions and Square Space promo codes, did you know they’ve just launched Square Space 7 which integrates Getty Images… THEY’VE GOT TO ME.